Northern Frisian
A person of German descent. In Frisian (minority) language and Gronings dialect the word poep or poebe is used, as well as poepelân (Fr.), poepenlaand (Gr.) for Germany itself. In Gronings and Dutch poep means faeces, though the word does not seem to originate from that. A theory is that when Bernhard von Galen and his Westphalian troops arrived at Groningen in the 17th century to conquer the city, they used the word 'Puppe' (meaning puppet). The people from Groningen laughed about that because it sounds exactly like poebe, which means faeces. Another theory is that it originates from that same era, but from the word Bube, being a fondle word for boy. From the city of Groningen it spread out into the province of Groningen and the border region with Drenthe.
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