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Dashes or no dashes? Quotes or no quotes?
Uppercase or lowercase?
What does it mean to have "overheard" hate speech in the context of logging a sighting?
What does it mean when a piece of vocabulary is "disabled" or cannot be created?
What does it mean when a piece of vocabulary is "frozen"?
What qualifies as hate speech?
What's a valid citation?
What's a variant?
What's transliteration?
Data Privacy
How is my registration data protected?
Hate Speech
Doesn't studying hate speech legitimize it?
How useful is Hatebase, considering that hate speech has more to do with context than vocabulary?
What qualifies as hate speech?
What does "attribution" mean?
What does "redistribution" mean?
Registration & Login
How do I close my account with Hatebase?
How is my registration data protected?
I've registered but didn't receive an authorizing email.
The registration link I received by email doesn't take me anywhere.
Why was my account suspended?