Showing 1 - 8 of 8 results

buckethead English 1 sighting Highly offensive
bucketheads (plural of buckethead) English - -
chon Japanese 3 sightings Moderately offensive
chon koh (variant of chon) Japanese 4 sightings Highly offensive
chosenjin Japanese 5 sightings Highly offensive
gokiburi Japanese 3 sightings Extremely offensive
Hitomodoki Japanese - -
zainichi Japanese 17 sightings Highly offensive
buckethead 1 sighting
bucketheads (plural of buckethead) -
chon 3 sightings
chon koh (variant of chon) 4 sightings
chosenjin 5 sightings
gokiburi 3 sightings
Hitomodoki -
zainichi 17 sightings