Showing 1 - 18 of 18 results

butterhead English - Highly offensive
butterheads (plural of butterhead) English 117 sightings Highly offensive
Ierō Kyabu (transliteration of イエローキャブ) Japanese - -
Jap English 257 sightings Moderately offensive
Japland (variant of Jap) English 172 sightings Extremely offensive
japońca (variant of japoniec) Polish 1 sighting -
japońców (plural of japońca) Polish 42 sightings -
japońcy (plural of japoniec) Polish 6 sightings -
japoniec Polish 63 sightings Extremely offensive
Japs (plural of Jap) English 1,230 sightings Mildly offensive
Japse German 101 sightings Highly offensive
nip English - Extremely offensive
nips (plural of nip) English 438 sightings -
yellow cab (transliteration of イエローキャブ) English - -
yellow cabs (plural of yellow cab) English - -
ยุ่น Thai 5,586 sightings -
イエローキャブ Japanese 60 sightings -
日本鬼子 Chinese 158 sightings -
butterhead -
butterheads (plural of butterhead) 117 sightings
Ierō Kyabu (transliteration of イエローキャブ) -
Jap 257 sightings
Japland (variant of Jap) 172 sightings
japońca (variant of japoniec) 1 sighting
japońców (plural of japońca) 42 sightings
japońcy (plural of japoniec) 6 sightings
japoniec 63 sightings
Japs (plural of Jap) 1,230 sightings
Japse 101 sightings
nip -
nips (plural of nip) 438 sightings
yellow cab (transliteration of イエローキャブ) -
yellow cabs (plural of yellow cab) -
ยุ่น 5,586 sightings
イエローキャブ 60 sightings
日本鬼子 158 sightings